
Feel to Heal: The Only Way Out is Through

Breathwork is a deeply powerful & sensitive modality that helps shift, release & transform trapped emotions in the body. Breathwork enables you to be truly present & aware in your body, supporting the release of chronic muscular tension & free flow of energy in the body, leaving you feeling more vibrant, resilient & whole.

I am a qualified Biodynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System (BBTRS©) practitioner. BBTRS© is a powerful, somatic (body-based) approach which uses breath as the main tool, with the support of somatic & creative movement, conscious touch, sound, emotional expression & meditation, to release trauma & tension within the body.

During this 90 minute journey you will be gently guided to an expanded state of awareness & higher state of consciousness, activating your sympathetic nervous system through deep, connected breathing, which floods the body with oxygen. This will charge up your body, activating specific belts of muscular tension & emotional patterns.

The sessions are tailored to facilitate the opportunity for frozen energies to be felt, expressed & integrated, stimulating & rebalancing your mind & body.


ONLINE via Zoom

90 MINS £80


Please note that breathwork is not suitable if you are pregnant or have any of the following: severe heart conditions, epilepsy or history of seizures, high or abnormal blood pressure, history of aneurisms, severe psychiatric symptoms - psychosis, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or paranoia, glaucoma, if you are on heavy medication or have had recent surgery. If you are experiencing any of these conditions and you would still like a session, please consult your GP or healthcare provider first and contact Melisa at, as she may be able to offer you an adapted session.